This week I turned the ripe old age of 20! 'Ahh I'm like the Crypt keeper!' (Unnecessary Freaky Friday quote). I know this is still so young but I can't help but feel the best 1/4 of my life has come to an end and now I have to be a real adult!
So, making the most of my last teenage days I extended my birthday to a week instead and thought I would share with you all what I got up to.
I'm fortunate enough that my birthday has always landed near the back holiday or half term so it's always been easy enough to miss school/work/college/Uni and have free time to make the most of it.
I started the celebrations last Thursday, I finished my second year of university this day so what better day to start the celebrations! I was in Leeds and Route 94 was playing in mint club (must go here before you die!!) so after some hunting around me and some of my closest friends got tickets and had a great night after a fair bit of queuing!
On the Friday I celebrated my birthday along with one of my friends who's birthday is just before and all of my uni friends. We did a pub crawl which is famous in Leeds called the otley run where you basically visit all the pubs in headingley whilst in fancy dress, are theme was 90s. Check out me as a troll doll..
On the Saturday I spent the majority of my day on a train traveling back down south to spend my actual birthday back home. Due to it being bank holiday weekend the train was absolutely rammed! I got in around tea time and had a pizza night with the family.
Sunday consisted of a major lay in followed by lots of food and then in the evening I went out for cocktails with one of the girls.
Monday was bank holiday, pretty chilled out. Had a day in with my brother, sister and nephew and discovered some old home movies which were hilarious to watch back! Then in the evening went with my dad to visit my nan.
Tuesday was the big day itself, 20. Woke up and counted how many wrinkles I had gained then had my auntie and 2 little cousins around for the morning along with my nephew. Then in the afternoon had a 'picky tea' and ate so much I thought my belly might genuinely explode. In the evening I had a sleepover with my nephew whilst he watched plant vs. zombie tutorials on YouTube.. Who knew a 6 year old new about tutorials!!
Wednesday was the last day of my birthday week. In the day I went and helped my mum out at work, she's a primary school teacher and needed her classroom moved around for the new term. Then in the evening I went for dinner in an American diner with some of the girls.
I have had a great week and the celebrating has softened the blow on turning 20 just a little bit. On the plus side.. Vegas is only one year away!!!
Has anybody else celebrated a birthday recently?

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