For those of you who follow me on twitter or Instagram (@passion0527) you may have seen that I had an issue with a primark bag this week. Torrential rain + paper bag = disaster!

I popped in store after work with the intention of having a small browse of the work section but £27 later I left rather happy.. Untill I saw the rain that is!
Here's what I bought:

Grey fitted blazer great for work and a bargain at only £12 make sure you subscribe so not to miss this featured in my work saga mini series!
Next up were these gorgeous shoes! They had plenty of plain black and plain cream ones but they didn't really jump out at me.. But then amongst them all I spotted these! They were the only pair left and they were my size, it was meant to be! These cost just £6.

Very random purchase in these 2tail combs.. I've been without a tail comb for so long and I don't know how I have survived, yet I always forget to pick one up! I saw this pack of 2 for £1 and they went straight into the basket!

The sweets always get me in the que, I'd been in town shopping for Father's Day presents and saw these and thought they'd go nicely with his present, he loves sweets! These were £1.

As some of you may already be aware, I have a small tattoo on my right hand ring finger, I absolutely love it but I know it's not the most professional for work so I tend to always cover it with a costume ring. Primark is great for these as they are so cheap! I picked up these 2 for a combined price of £2.50 which I was happy with.

How do I rotate this please? Nightmare! I have had the bigger notebook since Christmas and I just love the pink glitter, I use this one for work. Then I spotted this little one and thought it would be perfect for blog post ideas! It was just £1.50 which was great!

I am very pleased with my shop and think I got a few bargains in there! Has anyone else been to primark lately?

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